E Newsletter
The LinkIn Lawyer: Unprofessional Network
What's the point of LinkedIn? Their brand problem and their unprofessionalism. Censorship and brand value impacts.
Andrey runs a strategy and risk consultancy, tweets about strategic uncertainty, risk, marketing, and the NBA, and hosts the Business Games educational podcast helping leaders deal with uncertainty.
E Newsletter
What's the point of LinkedIn? Their brand problem and their unprofessionalism. Censorship and brand value impacts.
E Newsletter
Why did "Holodomor" myth took a real Soviet tragedy and turn it into a fake genocide? What does Goebbels have to do with brand management and the West's (anti-)marketing campaign of "Russia bad"?
E Newsletter
2014 Maidan, 2022 Mariupol and Bucha. One is a proven false-flag massacre perpetrated by the Ukrainian far-right. The others fit similar patterns. Having already made a case for why this is not a coincidence, I discuss further implications.
B Log
Who shot at the civilian humanitarian corridors in Mariupol? What really happened in Bucha? How to use critical thinking and game theory principles to sift through BS and separate reality from narratives.
E Newsletter
How I process information: a dozen principles. This piece builds on the NY Times Disinformation article and expands the principles I apply when processing information.
B Log
How I Lost Trust in the Western Mainstream Media and What to Do About It
E Newsletter
Personal thoughts on the festive season in 2022 and in general.
E Newsletter
New pricing, new content, geopolitics, international relations, foreign policy, Ukraine, personal story, mis- and disinformation, how to filter the news.
(Premium) Decision Course + Transcripts
(Transcript) Summarizing the whole season + member Q&A.
(Premium) Decision Course + Transcripts
(Transcript) Introducing L.O.E.C.: Learning Organization's Experimentation Culture Framework.
A podcast
(Public) Do you know what people do with screwdrivers? Have you ever managed children at a party using "fun" objectives? Heard of Porsche's "strategic drift"? Tried to set boundaries in your relationships? All this and more…
(Premium) Decision Course + Transcripts
(Transcript) Do you know what people do with screwdrivers? Have you ever managed children at a party using "fun" objectives? Heard of Porsche's "strategic drift"? Tried to set boundaries in your relationships? All this and more…